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Gateshead Health’s PMVA Team: First acute hospital in the country to achieve BILD certification

We are proud to announce Gateshead Health has become the first acute hospital in the country to have a PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression) team to become BILD certified. By being certified by BILD the PMVA training services supplied by wholly owned subsidiary QE Facilitates, demonstrated that their training complies with the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards.

BILD has been set up to certify training services that include restrictive physical intervention specifically in mental health hospitals. As Gateshead Health is an acute trust, it provides services to a wide range of patients including many patients suffering with mental health. The PMVA team therefore felt it was important to provide training that was reflective of the diverse group of patients the trust treats on a daily basis. The new training focuses on using restraint as a last resort and alternatively understanding the needs and wants of the patients to try and deescalate combative situations. This patient centred approach is more inline with the values and approach of the Trust and offers a much more dignified solution for patients.

The PMVA department is comprised of three team members, Lee Taylor, Leanne Valentine and Nat Coates. They currently deliver break away training in physical intervention and conflict resolution. The team trains both clinical and non clinical members of staff working within Gateshead Health, as well as external contracts such as Durham and Darlington Trust.

Leanne Valentine has been particularly instrumental in the preparation and planning for the Bild certification. Leanne comments, “I am delighted the team have received the Bild certification. We firmly believe in teaching that restraint is a last resort. A person centred approach focuses on what the patient is feeling, finding that persons need and moving forward. I think this is integral to providing the very best care for our patients when presented with challenging circumstances. During our training we look at real reported incidents, to make real teaching moments that allow the attendees to truly reflect on circumstances they have witness or even experienced themselves. This helps bridge the gap from theory to practice to better allow attendees to understand the impact of their decisions.”

The accreditation comes after over a year of preparation and hard work from the PMVA department. Who have went to great lengths to adopt new practices and adapt their training methods to meet the high standards of the BILD certification. The certification is a 7 step process that involves an evidence based self assessment, a organisation visit by an accessor and finally a panel process. The certification is valid for 3 years with inspections taking place yearly.


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