QE Facilities Services Celebrate Pathology Transport Services win.
After a long tender process QE Facilities Transport services have been successful in in winning the contract to provide a dedicated and specialised Pathology Transport Service across the West Midlands region, working in partnership with Coventry and Warwickshire Pathology Services.
This new contract we create new opportunities for upwards of forty new positions which include drivers, administration and management. QE Transport will ensure that all specimens are safely transported within strict time constraints, by delivering a caring, efficient and flexible service with patient care in mind at all times.
The contract operational delivery is based on a hub and spoke method, resulting in the creation of a new QE Facilities Hub within the Coventry area.
This is a fantastic opportunity for QE Facilities to work with a large organisation and to expand on its own specialist transport services. Our dedicated service also provided to the pathology courier services cross the north East for Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust.
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Paul Bowmaker - Head of QEF Transport said;-
“This is an amazing opportunity for my team and company, we are delighted to be working in partnership with such and large organisation, and we are already starting to see the benefits of creating this partnership using our expertise in pathology courier service”